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"I Hate It When That Happens..." - Law & Ethics For Florida Psychologists - Test
by Pamela H. Harmell, Ph.D.

Course content © copyright 2004-2006 by Pamela H. Harmell, Ph.D.. All rights reserved.

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1. There are two primary sections of the new ethics code. They are: Help
Primary section and Secondary section
Aspirational section and Enforceable section
First section and Second section
2. How many elements of malpractice must be met in order to "prove" a civil suit for malpractice? Help
3. Mary is claiming that therapist Smith has been unethical. The psychologist insists that there was no "duty of care." The psychologist is certain that: Help
He has practiced as another clinician would have done
There has been no demonstrable harm
He is not the cause of the patient's injury
He never established a professional relationship with her
4. Standard of care refers to: Help
What another reasonably trained psychologist would do given your situation
A patient-therapist relationship has not been established
The level of harm that has been proved
5. The concept of "privacy" in the United States was originally suggested by the: Help
Civil War
Constitution of the United States
The 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights
6. The term "privilege" refers to: Help
You may decide to whom patient confidential information is disclosed
The patient may decide to whom his or her confidential information is disclosed
HIPAA may decide to whom patient confidential information is disclosed
7. What did the Bellah court decide with regard to applying Tarasaff standards to suicidal patients? Help
You are required to hospitalize suicidal patients
The Bellah court successfully applied Tarasoff to suicide
Bellah refused to extend Tarasoff to include suicidal patients
8. Informed consent means: Help
The patient gives consent for treatment voluntarily
Once the patient has been informed of office policies and treatment methods, the patient consents to those policies and methods
Information has been given appropriately
9. What is meant by an "insurance diagnosis"? Help
Billing for a missed session or "no show"
Billing at an inaccurate rate in order to make more money
Billing for a diagnosis that is not actually being treated in order to get reimbursed by the insurance company
10. When is patient permission required for a professional consultation related to that patient? Help
Psychologists always need permission for consultation on a clinical case
Psychologists never need permission for consultation on a clinical case when they are attempting to help the patient in good faith
Psychologists need permission for consultation when identifying demographics need to be given to the consultant
11. Dr. McArthur does not want Ms. Welch to stop bringing in her seven year old son because Dr. McArthur genuinely believes she can help the Ms. Welch and her son to get along better. She sincerely wants to help them improve their lives. For this reason Dr. McArthur has decided to single out the mother and bill her insurance company as if the mom is receiving individual treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder without the son. This is an example of: Help
Insurance fraud. She could either refer them to a lower fee clinic or see them "pro bono"
What a psychologist needs to do in the helping professions
The only way a psychologist can get paid in 2004
Ethical because they would have to drop out of therapy if the psychologist billed it any other way because they do not have money for therapy
12. When a psychologist places his or her own finances ahead of patient welfare, experts have termed this: Help
Unconscious fiscal convenience
13. What are the three types of mandated abuse reporting required by psychologists in Florida? Help
Child, adolescent, elder abuse reporting
Child, elderly person, disabled adult
Child, elderly person, impaired adult
14. What is the first step a psychologist should always take prior to initiating a termination against the patient's wishes? Help
Contact your insurance carrier
Discuss it fully with the patient
Get a professional consultation about the issue first
15. Mandated reporters of child abuse are: Help
Car pool drivers
Most individuals who work with children
Camp counselors
16. On which days and what hours may you make a child abuse report? Help
Monday through Friday, 9am - 5pm
Monday through Saturday, 7am - 10pm
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
17. On which days and what hours may you make an Elderly Person or Disabled Adult abuse report? Help
Monday through Friday, 9am - 5pm
Monday through Saturday, 7am - 10pm
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
18. Dr. Holly finds a message on her office answering machine telling her "You don't know me, but if you don't call me back in 30 minutes, I am going to kill myself!" Dr. Holly feels upset, but she knows she is not responsible because she never established a therapeutic relationship with this person. In other words, the patient and Dr. Holly never developed a: Help
Standard of Care
Duty of Care
Proximate Cause



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