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Projective Identification, Unconscious Communication, and the Right Brain - Test
by Allan N. Schore, Ph.D.

Course content © copyright 2010 by Allan N. Schore, Ph.D.. All rights reserved.

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1. The concept of projective identification was originally created by: Help
Sigmund Freud
John Bowlby
Melanie Klein
Carl Jung
2. Projective identification is currently conceptualized as: Help
a linguistic mechanism
a conscious communication of thoughts
a nonverbal communication only used in human infancy
an unconscious communication of affect
3. According to Chiron's research, the right hemisphere is dominant for: Help
The first year of life
The first two years of life
The first three years of life
The first four years of life
4. Which defense is associated with projective identification? Help
5. The infant's initial response to relational trauma is: Help
Increased parasympathetic autonomic reactivity
Sympathetic autonomic hyperarousal
6. Dissociation has been described as; Help
The escape when there is no escape
A last resort defensive strategy
A dead spot in the infant's subjective experience
All of the above
7. Neurobiological models of projective identification suggest that Help
It represents a very rapid sequence of reciprocal affective transactions within the intersubjective field co-constructed by the patient and therapist
It occurs within seconds, and only involves mind-to-mind communications
It represents a unidirectional process, wherein one person evacuates intolerable negative emotions into another
It involves the patient's transference, and not the therapist's countertransference reactions
8. Freud described the state in which one person receives the unconscious communications of another as Help
Free floating responsiveness
Transfer of affect
Evenly suspended attention
9. The right hemisphere is dominant for: Help
Communicative pragmatics
The perception of emotional words
Recognizing the emotional tone of the voice
All of the above
10. According to Binder and Strupp a major obstacle to treatment success is Help
Negative emotion
Positive emotion
11. It is now thought that enactments Help
Are mediated by nonverbal unconscious relational behaviors
Can be prevented by correct interpretations
Are rare events in therapy
Are due to technical mistakes of the therapist
12. Which of the following statements about defensive projective identification in false? Help
Interpretation of projective identification is harmful
Defensive projective identification does not represent a literal evacuation or expelling out into an other, so that the negative state no longer exists within
At the moment of a defensive projective identification the patient's dissociated affect is subjectively deepened and communicated
At the moment of defensive projection the patient dissociates
13. According to Putnam dissociative switches are manifest in Help
Changes in verbal behavior
Changes in facial expression
Patient rationalizations
Changes in patient content
14. The concept of rupture and repair emerged from Help
Developmental research
Psychiatric research
Couples therapy
Chaos theory
15. Within the therapeutic alliance the safe holding environment Help
Is created by the therapist's interpretations
Is created by the therapist's reassurances
Includes both physiologic and psychological holding
Is never ruptured
16. The right hemisphere is dominant for: Help
Emotional communication
Affective empathy
Primary process cognition
All of the above
17. The essential step for co-creating a holding environment is the clinician's ability: Help
To detect, recognize, monitor, and autoregulate stressful alterations in her bodily state
To avoid therapeutic mistakes
To offer a defensive interpretation
To apologize to the patient
18. The importance of the therapist's "partial acting out" is described by : Help
Brenman Pick
19. According to Stern the patient's "narrative" model is: Help
Generated by her left hemisphere
Is shaped by the therapist's interpretations
Is the verbal rendition of a nonverbal internal working model
All of the above
20. In order to metabolize the stress state induced by the patient's affective communication the therapist must; Help
Create a successful cognitive strategy for suppressing the emotion
Interpret the patient's unconscious wish
Avoid the somatic countertransference
Physically contain the patient's disavowed experience
21. Recent neuroscience studies indicate that the implicit self is located in: Help
Left parietal areas
Right prefrontal areas
Temporal lobes of both hemispheres
Broca's and Wernicke's areas
22. The orbitofrontal regulatory system is intimately involved in: Help
The generation of an "emotional hunch"
The construction of "cognitive-emotional interactions"
The processing of affect-related meanings
All of the above
23. The orbitofrontal system has been equated with Freud's: Help
24. According to Basch the therapist sometimes acts as the patient's Help
Frontal cortex
Corpus callosum
Broca's area



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