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ADHD in Children: Diagnosis, Assessment, and Management - Test
by Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D., ABPP

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1. Research is suggesting that the attention problems evident in ADHD are part of a larger domain of cognitive activities known as: Help
Executive functioning, and especially working memory.
Visuo-spatial reasoning.
2. Rather than cognitive reflectiveness, the impulsiveness in ADHD is mainly in the capacity to: Help
Think about their past experiences.
Inhibit or delay prepotent responses.
Coordinate motor programs.
Get along with peers.
3. With regard to the developmental changes that occur in the two ADHD symptom dimensions, which of the following is correct? Help
Neither of the two symptom dimensions decline significantly with age.
Both of the symptom dimensions show significant reductions with age.
Hyperactivity across the elementary years declines significantly while problems with attention persist at relatively stable levels.
Inattention across the elementary years declines significantly while problems with hyperactivity persist at relatively stable levels.
4. In meta-analyses of the burgeoning neuropsychological literature on ADHD, the greatest support is for difficulties not only with the cardinal domains of inattention and inhibition, but also: Help
Social relations.
Artistic ability.
Finger tapping.
Working memory.
5. One of the adjustments made in the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for ADHD in evaluating children compared to DSM-IV is: Help
Raising the criterion of the age of onset of symptoms at age 7 years old in favor of onset at 12 years old.
Applying the symptom lists only to males.
Making sure that parents and teachers agree on the precise number of symptoms.
All of the above
6. The evaluation of a child with ADHD often includes: Help
Clinical interviews, medical exam, and behavior rating scales.
Psychological testing, projective drawings, child play group.
MRI scan, EEG, and blood assays.
All of the above.
7. One important purpose of the evaluation apart from diagnosis of ADHD is: Help
The determination of the child's ego strengths and weaknesses.
The determination of possible comorbid or coexisting disorders.
Documenting evidence that parents are largely at fault for causing ADHD.
Sorting through the myriad social and biological causes for the disorder.
8. Besides determining the possible presence of a diagnosis of ADHD in a child, the second purpose of the evaluation is to: Help
Determine the child's favorite activities.
Delineate the types of interventions needed to address the disorders present.
Ensure that the child is being well fed, clothed and housed.
None of the above
9. In advance of the interview, it is useful to obtain which of these types of information about the child? Help
A packet of questionnaires about ADHD sent to parents
A packet of questionnaires about ADHD sent to teachers
Prior medical, health, and educational records, if available
All of the above
10. Obtaining parent self-reports of their own psychological adjustment should be done: Help
Before the appointment date, along with teacher rating scales.
On the appointment date, after explaining the rationale for doing so.
After the appointment date and feedback session.
Never, because it is intrusive and unhelpful.
11. A major purpose of the parental interview is to: Help
Formulate a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan.
Document the school district in which the child resides.
Determine that the child is a legal resident of the U.S.
None of the above
12. The majority of children with ADHD appear to be identifiable by their caregivers as deviant from normal as early as: Help
3-4 years old.
10-12 years old.
12-16 years old.
13. During the school portion of the parental interview, it is helpful to: Help
Go through the child's school history year-by-year.
Advise parents that home schooling may be best for their child.
Determine parental resources to support private schooling.
None of the above
14. To preclude over identifying minority children as having ADHD during the parental interview, it is advisable to: Help
Screen out minority children from your clinical practice.
Use a version of the DSM-5 adapted for minority populations.
Make sure that the examiner is of the same minority status as the child.
Ask parents if the child's behavior is considered to be a problem relative to other children of the same ethnic or minority group.
15. Oppositional defiant disorder can be distinguished from ADHD through differential diagnosis by which of the following? Help
Lacks impulsive, disinhibited behavior
Able to cooperate and complete requests from others than the parent
Lacks neuromatural delays
All of the above
16. ADHD can be difficult to differentiate from juvenile onset mania or Bipolar I disorder because both include as features of their disorder: Help
Depressed mood.
Grandiosity of ideas.
None of the above
17. The behavior of the ADHD child in the clinician's office is: Help
Exceptionally helpful to establishing the diagnosis.
Likely to be unusually disruptive.
Not likely to be indicative of the child's ADHD symptoms.
Predictive of the child's behavior at school.
18. During the interview with a child, clinicians should bear in mind that: Help
Children are very reliable in reporting their ADHD and other externalizing symptoms.
Children are NOT very reliable in reporting their ADHD and other externalizing symptoms.
The child should always be interviewed with their parents present in the room.
None of the above
19. The teacher interview: Help
Is not necessary for most ADHD children.
Should always be conducted in-person at the child's school rather than by phone.
Should focus on the specific nature of the child's problems in the school environment.
None of the above
20. Child behavior rating scales completed by parents and teachers are: Help
A luxury that clinicians can no longer afford under managed care.
An essential component of the evaluation to help establish behavioral deviance.
Poorly normed and often give misleading results.
Too subjective to give valid information.
21. During the evaluation, it is useful to obtain information from parents about their: Help
Own ADHD and ODD symptoms.
Marital functioning (if married or cohabiting).
Parenting stress and psychological functioning.
All of the above
22. The pediatric medical examination is: Help
An important component in the evaluation of a child for ADHD.
Not essential for evaluating children with ADHD.
Too expensive for most families to undertake.
None of the above.
23. The feedback session is the conclusion to the diagnostic evaluation and includes the following information: Help
An explanation that although there is no direct test, statistical analysis of data collected is utilized
Establishment of a history consistent with a developmental problem
Ruling out of other logical explanations for the behavior
All of the above
24. Barkley's model of ADHD argues that the disorder arises from developmental delays in: Help
Behavioral inhibition.
Executive functioning.
All of the above.
25. Innovations in effective ADHD treatments over the past decade have largely been confined to new: Help
Dietary remedies.
Models of parent training.
Delivery systems for ADHD medications.
Classroom management strategies.
26. Which of the following are deemed to be effective evidence-based treatments for ADHD and its impairments at this time? Help
Self-control training (teaching children self-management skills such as self-speech)
Traditional social skills training delivered in groups in clinical settings
Mega-vitamin and other dietary supplements
None of the above
27. ADHD is caused mainly by: Help
Poor parenting.
Excessive media and Internet use by children.
Genetic factors and disrupted neurological development.
Excess sugar in the child's diet.
28. ADHD: Help
Can be cured permanently by existing treatments.
Can be effectively managed in most cases using existing treatments.
Has no effective treatments currently available for its management.
Requires no treatments because it will be outgrown by adolescence, if not earlier.
29. In Barkley's model, ADHD is viewed as being a disorder of: Help
Performance - doing what one knows rather than knowing what to do.
Knowledge - knowing what to do.
Skills - not practicing self-regulatory behavior often enough.
Language - not understanding what other people say to the child.
30. The provision of treatment services to children with ADHD has increased dramatically over the past 20 years, owing in large part to the: Help
Recognition by special education laws that ADHD is an eligible condition.
Growth of formally organized advocacy groups.
Increased continuing education programs for educational and mental health professionals.
All of the above
31. Stimulants, such as methylphenidate and amphetamines, are: Help
Rapidly acting, producing results within 30-90 minutes of ingestion.
Associated with annoying side effects, such as insomnia and loss of appetite, in some cases.
Available in both immediate and sustained release preparations.
All of the above.
32. The behavioral improvements produced by stimulants are in: Help
Sustained attention.
Impulse control.
Reduction of task-irrelevant activity.
All of the above.
33. The most frequently occurring side effects of the stimulants are: Help
Severe weight gain, sleepiness, and motor incoordination.
Mild insomnia and appetite reduction, stomachache, headache, and dizziness or jitteriness.
Moodiness, depression, and risk of suicide.
None of the above.
34. A major threat to the effectiveness of ADHD medications is: Help
Inability to combine them safely with grapefruit juice.
Inability to combine them with any other medications.
A tendency for adolescents to discontinue use of the medication.
None of the above.
35. Atomoxetine is highly selective as an: Help
Inhibitor of norepinephrine reuptake.
Inhibitor of dopamine reuptake.
Inhibitor of epinephrine reuptake.
Agent for increasing serotonin in the brain.
36. Barkley's model of ADHD includes which of the following components? Help
Inhibition and Self-Regulation of Affect
Verbal and Nonverbal Working Memory
Motivation and Arousal
All of the Above
37. Direct applications of contingency management methods: Help
Show highly limited generalization and maintenance of treatment effects.
Have been repeatedly evaluated for use with teens.
Are as or more effective as stimulant medication for managing ADHD.
Are necessary to correct the poor social learning that underlies ADHD.
38. The rationale for Barkley's version of parent training as applied to children with ADHD is twofold. One reason is that ADHD children: Help
May have deficits in self-regulation and specifically rule-governed behavior.
Have learned their symptoms via social learning theory.
Do not respond to parent training.
None of the above
39. Concerning training parents in behavior management methods: Help
The training is not effective.
The treatment has been studied more in teens than in children with ADHD.
The research seems to support the use of parent training for ADHD children.
The treatment is more effective than stimulant medication.
40. Family training with teens having ADHD: Help
Changes ADHD symptoms as much as ODD symptoms.
Is less effective than for elementary-aged ADHD children.
Produces no worsening of family conflict in any portion of families.
None of the above.
41. Parent training and family based training for ADHD children and teens: Help
Are effective in helping some families to reduce parent-child conflict.
Are unsafe and ineffective.
Should not be done without combining them with ADHD medications.
Can only be effective if both parents are willing to attend treatment sessions.
42. Barkley's 10 Step Parent Training Program includes which of the following lessons: Help
Establishing a home token economy, daily phone calls to teachers, removing electronics
Enhancing parental attention, time-outs for all misbehaviors, ignoring during independent play
Parent education, attending to compliance, and managing noncompliance
All of the above
43. Effective classroom management methods include: Help
Home-based contingencies for in-class behavior and performance.
Curriculum accommodations, such as shorter work periods.
All of the above.
44. When contingency management methods are used in school for ADHD, they can improve: Help
Disruptive behavior.
Academic productivity.
Academic accuracy.
All of the above.
45. To be most effective in managing ADHD in school settings, rules and instructions given to ADHD children should be: Help
Clear, brief, and directed personally to the child.
Delivered through more visible or external modes of presentation.
Both of the above.
Neither of the above.
46. Given the extant research findings for CBT of limited effect sizes in most clinical studies and the absence of treatment effects in the largest study, this treatment is given a grade of: Help
47. Which of the following is not an effective or proven treatment for ADHD? Help
Stimulant medication
Parent training in child management
Sensory integration training
Classroom behavior modification
48. Working memory training (e.g., CogMed) and other types of cognitive rehabilitation training are highly effective at: Help
Reducing ADHD symptoms in natural settings in most cases.
Improving working memory across all natural settings.
Improving the learning disorders linked to ADHD.
None of the above.



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